
A Beautiful Mess

Have you ever tried creating a masterpiece out of your hands? If you tried to recall the beautiful things that you did before, did the process always appear smooth and perfect?

You see, a mess is somehow part of the journey. Sometimes, we treat it as our enemy, but little do we know that the difficulties we experience in life are essential for our growth and maturity.

They are like beautiful mess. They look like obstacles, but if you try to see the bigger picture, you will realize that you badly need those messes to see things clearly. They will open our hearts and teach us about the important things that will matter in the end. They will refine our souls and build up our faith.

You may not always see the beauty behind the mess you are in, but one day, when you look back, you will be glad because God shaped and molded you through the difficult seasons He allowed you to experience.

Just trust that God will never leave you along the process. His hands will be there to hold you, and His arms will be there to embrace you.

Things will be better. You will slowly discover the blessings that God gave you behind the scenes. When you offer your life to Him and fix your eyes on His love, you will appreciate what He allowed you to experience.

Don’t worry and don’t be afraid, His grace will be there to sustain you until the end.

Not all mess will destroy us; some will help us to be stronger. Not all problems will harm us. Yes, some will hurt, but they will shape us in the end. Not all tears are bad for our hearts; some will cleanse our souls. Lastly, not all pain will kill us; most of the time, it will remind us of the valuable things in life.