A Marriage that is Founded in the Love of God will not be Easily Shaken
If you have a lifetime partner, then see to it that God is the center of your marriage. Do not enter into a relationship without consulting Him. Let Him be the source of your love, and you will not be easily shaken. He will give you the strength to overcome the challenges that you will encounter in your married life. Depend on His grace so that you won’t be tempted to give up when you face obstacles. Your relationship with your partner may not be perfect, but God will be there to guide and lead you. He will prepare your heart and give you everything that you need. Just don’t depend on your own emotions and choose to remember God’s instructions.
Put God first. Ask His approval, especially when you want to enter into marriage. Don’t do anything outside His presence because you need Him along the way. He alone can give you the wisdom on how to handle your partner. He can teach you what to do every time you encounter conflict. He will minister and give you the grace to release love even if you are in pain. He will be the source of your hope, especially when you feel like you are going through the wilderness. Set your eyes on Him and not on your partner. Remember that only Him alone can give you the kind of love that never fails. If you seek Him first, then He will reveal the best ways to serve your spouse.
Choose a partner who will walk with you along your spiritual journey. Pray before you allow someone to come inside your heart. Align your standards to God’s will, and you will be guided. Move in the presence of God and learn the habit of listening to His voice. Glorify Him in everything that you do, especially in your marriage, and He will teach you how to love your partner even in moments when you find it so hard to accept him/her. Always connect to your loving Father, and don’t stop sharing your heart with Him. Keep growing in His presence, and that’s how you will be able to successfully experience victory and deep fulfillment.
Never forget God’s great love. When you and your partner encounter unexpected circumstances, try your best not to focus on each other’s weaknesses. Instead, set your eyes on God’s power and trust in His mercy and grace. Rely on His goodness and choose to pray instead of starting an argument. Talk to God and keep His instructions in your heart. Please Him and not just your partner. Let His love be the core foundation of your

One Comment
Michael Yata
It’s helpful post filled with biblical words, so encouraging and educative.