Self Development

A Person who Doesn’t feel Loved will Find it Hard to Open Up

You can’t force a person to share his heart with you. Building a connection is not that simple. It takes time and the willingness to serve and acknowledge others. If you wanted someone to open up to you, then make him feel loved and accepted first. Just be there for him, especially in moments when he needs support and someone he can lean on. You need to show the person that you can be trusted, and you will not judge or condemn them for what they feel. Be kind and continue to do good things for them. One day, when they realize how much you care for them, they will start to open their hearts so that you can come in. But until that day comes, please be patient and don’t stop knocking. 

Trust is not something that is easily earned. You need to make some effort and show someone that you can be his friend. Be patient and know that not everyone finds it easy to share the stories behind the wounds inside their hearts. When the pain is still there, people will sometimes find ways to protect themselves. They will build walls so that nobody can come in and break their hearts again. That’s why they appear to be very defensive. They don’t want to show you their weaknesses because, for them, trust is not that easy to give.

When you happen to encounter such people, just choose to listen and understand them. It seems like they are reserved, but the truth is, they are just looking for someone who will love them genuinely. They can’t easily give themselves away because they are still carrying the pain inside. So instead of judging them and trying to force them to open up to you. Just show them that there is still hope. Let them feel that better days are coming, and you are just waiting for them to release all the burdens. Treat them like how Jesus treated you. Choose to comfort them even if you really don’t know their stories.

Keep praying for those people who are carrying heavy burdens. Lift them up to God, and may He use you to remind them that perfect love still exists. May your actions lead them to believe that God is always there for them. May your life become a vessel of His grace. Keep doing what is right. And continue serving those people who are sometimes very difficult to love. Know that your efforts will never be in vain because God will slowly transform their hearts.