Self Development

A Person Who Feels Appreciated Will Slowly Learn to Serve Others

If you wanted to encourage other people to help and serve, then you can empower them first by letting them know that you highly appreciate every simple thing they do. When people feel treasured and loved, they will eventually learn to give their best. Remember that we are emotional beings. We need intimate connections and affirmations from others. So learn the habit of gratitude. Stop looking at the wrong things that other people did, and try to observe their efforts just to perform all their responsibilities. No matter how simple their actions may be, you need to learn how to make them feel appreciated despite all their mistakes. In such a way, they will be motivated to also do good things for others.

If you are a leader and people rely on you, you can inspire them to move by simply giving them simple affirmations. Look at their accomplishments and make sure that you let them know that you acknowledge everything they are doing. Recall those moments when you realize that they are really committed to the responsibilities that you have given them. Remember that God allowed you to handle those people because He knows that you can do it. So be a good shepherd and learn to show the love of God through the way you treat them. And you will eventually see them trying so hard to serve and also love others.

Learn to appreciate the people around you. You never really know the impact of your kind deeds on them. Make them feel accepted and valued. Only then will they realize that they still have a purpose here on earth. The love you give to them will serve as their driving force that will encourage them to do good to others. All your efforts will never be wasted because one day, you will see them grow and prosper. You will be part of the reasons why they are willing to give their all just to help other people.

God made you feel loved and accepted. In Him, you realized that you are treasured and valued despite all your flaws and mistakes.  And that love inspired you to also serve others. And we can do the same thing to the people around us. We just need to remind them that they are not taken for granted, and we appreciate all their sacrifices.