A person with a Generous Heart will never feel Empty Inside
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. -Proverbs 11:25
Jesus said in His word that it’s more blessed to give than to receive, so if you are one of those people who have a generous heart, then expect great things to come. Sharing God’s blessings may appear so simple and small for you, but God doesn’t look at the size of the things that you offer to others. Instead, He looks at your heart and your intentions. Know that you will never run dry in His presence. He will continue to bless those people who know how to share.
You will prosper in His kingdom. Your soul will be refreshed, and you will receive more than enough. Do not be afraid of what will happen next. Everything else will follow as long as you choose to seek and serve Him first. Loving Him also means helping His people, especially those who are in need. It’s not just about your feeling, but you must learn to put them into action. Apply what you learned from Him, and only then will you see yourself sharing His blessings.
You are blessed to become a blessing. You may think that what you have is not enough, but the moment you learn to give yourself away so that others may live, you will slowly see the abundant resources around you. And it’s not just your money and the physical things you have, but it also includes your time, talents, and skills. Those kinds of resources are so valuable to those people who are deeply in need. Sharing your blessings is not just about releasing your earthly possessions, but it’s about serving people through your gifts and abilities. When you learn to use what you have to support others, you will feel so blessed and fulfilled on the inside. If you just open the eyes of your heart, you will be overwhelmed by the wonderful blessings that God already provided for you and the people around you.
Generous people know that God is the source of everything that they receive. They are humble enough to admit the truth that what they have is not just for their own consumption, but it’s for God’s glory. They set their eyes on Him and chose to serve His people. They find it not that difficult to share because they know that God will continue to bless them.
If you are having a hard time releasing the blessings of God in your life. Then change the way you think. From now on, treat Him as the source of every blessing you have, and you will never hesitate to share them with others. Know that He looks at your heart. If He sees your faithfulness, then He will entrust you with greater resources that you can use to honor His name.
When you give, it means that you are giving God the opportunity to bless your life even more. He will continue to fill your heart with His grace. Keep releasing what you have and expect miracles to happen. God will introduce His heart to you as long as you keep following His ways. He will reveal great things about His Kingdom, and He will use you mightily for His glory. Don’t stop serving and loving His people, and you will continue to grow in His presence. God will let you experience what it means to prosper in His Kingdom.

It is in the giving that we receive.
Nathaniel Myles