Self Development

A Personal Note To My Wounded Heart

People may not know what you truly feel inside, but always remind yourself that you are not alone. You will be healed. Your heart will learn to love again. The pain may be too hard for you to handle, but you will overcome it because God’s grace will be with you. The wounds may be so deep but allow God to make it into a beautiful masterpiece. You will smile again. I may not know when. But one day, you will realize the goodness of God in your life. He is just writing your testimony, so take courage, dear heart. You can make it. God’s strength will always be enough. It will sustain you until the end. Do not lose hope and keep on living. God will transform you, so just be patient.

I know that there are times when you can’t understand yourself. You wanted to feel the love, but you are afraid to open your heart. Simply because you still feel the pain inside. You would rather protect yourself than go through another brokenness. People may say that you are too reserved and quiet. But they just don’t know that you are trying to put the pieces back together all this time. And you just can’t manage to be vulnerable because you see in yourself that you are too weak to face another heartbreak. It’s not a comfortable journey. It feels so lonely and empty deep within. But still, you manage to get up and face another day of your life. And for that, I wanted to say, “Thank you for not giving up.”

Your pain will never be in vain. God will make you whole again. He will transform your wounds into powerful messages of hope. You can’t see it now because you are so consumed with your emotions. But when you are ready to let go, God will always be there to guide you. He is just waiting for you to surrender everything. And He will wait until you have the courage to let Him take over.

But until then, always remember that God understands what you feel. His love will always be there to embrace you, my wounded heart.  You need so much time to heal. But just go through the process and do not worry. God will lead you along the journey. Stop blaming yourself. It’s about time for you to take a rest and receive the peace of God. You will be okay. One day, you will look back to this day, and you will realize that the wounds are nothing compared to the great love that God poured out into your life.


  • Andie

    Thank you so much…
    This note helps me a lot… I am in deep sorrow right now, I am so broke… Overthinking… Asking what I have done.. Asking why love is so painful…
    I’m crying every night… I’m praying to God that someday, I will be okay again. That when I look back on this painful situation, I’ll thank Him for not giving up on me when somebody does…
    Please pray for me…
    The man that I love the most left me…
    Because he wants to do those things He didn’t do when he’s with me…

    I thought, we can grow together, holding each others hands while reaching out dreams but it didn’t turned out the way I expect it…

    I need your prayers…
    Thank you so much…

  • Cora

    I prayed about what I am feeling and came across your post and it’s just what I wanted to hear ! It’s like God has been speaking to me. Thank you for the timely reminder.

  • Sue H.

    I am so broken. Three years into what I thought was going to be my life and future was ripped away. My gentleman is having a midlife crisis and says he just wants to be friends. I was completely blindsided with all of this and after ten months, now, I am still suffering every moment of every single day. I just can’t understand how this has happened. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’m praying every day for peace. I’m praying for healing and to be able to love again.