
A Story to Tell

Every person has a story to tell
They all have their own version of pain
They also go through brokenness
And there are times
When they feel devastated

Nobody is perfect
No matter how jolly or happy
A person may be
At some point in their lives
They also shed painful tears
And they cry out in the darkness

So even if you think
That what other people did is unreasonable
Even if you find it hard to understand them
Please never make decisions
That you will regret in the end

Do not do anything out of what you feel
Just release it all to God
And He will teach you how to love them
You will only appreciate a person
When you hear their stories
And when you care to listen to their pain

You will realize that just like you
That person also is struggling
So be patient
Be kind
Choose to love

Because behind the harsh words
That you receive from others
Are silent cries that long for hope
And redemption

Behind the unfair treatment
That you experienced from others
Are hearts that long for love
And acceptance

Do not just focus
On what’s happening around you
People may appear so harsh and unfair
But they are just humans
Who also wanted to be respected and loved

Look deeper
And you will find
The emptiness in their hearts
That they long to fill