Self Development

A Very Compelling “Why” Can Make A Lot of Changes In Life

If you wanted to make changes in life, then start to ask yourself about your “Why,” and everything else will follow. Try to figure out the deeper reason why you wanted to do new things this time. You will never find a hard time motivating yourself the moment you will discover your heart’s desires. Because your “Why” will push you to do things you never did before. It will inspire you to become a better person. So right now, if you don’t know exactly what you wanted to do in life, then ask God for some help and let Him lead you to the right desires that He planted in your heart. According to the famous evangelist Myles Munroe, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”

Make sure that you know the reason why you wanted to do certain things in life. The motive behind all your efforts and sacrifices will lead you to do extraordinary things that will benefit yourself and bless others. The purpose in your heart will be like a guiding light that will lead you to the right path. It will remind you to persevere every time you face a lot of challenges. It is like a powerful force that will pull you up when you can’t seem to find the strength to fight for your dreams. If your “why” is compelling enough, then you will always have enough courage to face the problems that will come your way.

Success starts with a deeper purpose inside. Some people achieved worldly success, not because they wanted to get rich and gain some power. But they have this inner purpose inside that they wanted to fulfill. Some of them tried to answer specific problems and find the perfect solutions for it. They strive hard because they wanted to achieve a purpose that is greater than themselves. They tried to help and serve more people. Their incredible “why’s” led them to do challenging yet very fulfilling things in life.

If you wanted to do the same thing, then let God reveal to you the desires of your heart. Remember that He is your creator. And He alone knows the purpose why He created you in the first place. Acknowledge His ways, even if you can’t understand all of it. Sometimes the difficult situations around you will help you discover the reason for your existence. So just hold on and be patient. Most of the time, God will use the pain and the tragedies you encounter to lead you to the greater purpose you need to discover.