A Vision
It was last night
I saw a vision of Him
Looking at me
On a top of a mountain
There, sitting on a bench
Looking at me and smiling
He reached out His hand
Asked to sit with Him
I sat beside Him
Looking at a beauty
Of everything He created
And I looked at Him
“How are you” He uttered
Simple questions mean so much
He wants me to answer honestly
But I know I’m not okay
I want to tell Him
I am not well, not okay
I can’t move my mouth
Instead, I lean on Him
Sobbing and crying out loud
As He caressed my shoulder
He softly said to me
“I miss you, My child”
I was so occupied
With things that don’t matter
I forget to connect with Him
And so I asked Him
“God, Did I fail you?”
He answered right away
“No, my child, you are
A victory already for me”
“I delight in you,
Even in simple and very
Little things that you do”
I felt healed by those words
He restored me again
And from that moment on
I realized what He wants
He wants to connect with us
Every single day of our lives
He wanted to remind you
That spending time with Him
Is what we truly need