Self Development

Accept The Truth That You Don’t Know Everything

Sometimes, we tend to measure our understanding based on the things that we already discovered in life. We quickly judge other people because we think that we know what they are doing, and we believe that our knowledge gives us the right to condemn them. But then the truth is, nobody knows everything. Only God knows the truth about what is happening in this world.

That’s why we need to have a humble heart so that we can learn more in this life. Acknowledge that there are people who know more than you do. We all have different experiences in life, and we can’t easily base our judgments according to our own experiences. Everyone can teach us something meaningful in life. People who are younger than us can also share some valuable things that we already took for granted.

We are just so occupied with the things that we’ve been going through, and we think that we already have enough experiences that will help us conclude about the things that are happening in our lives. We are all imperfect. We all have the chance to grow, and we need to admit that there are still a lot of things that we need to work on in our lives

It takes a humble heart to accept the truth that we still need to learn more. This life is a never-ending journey of growth and personal development. Don’t allow yourself to stay wherever you are. Pray for a teachable heart so that you will experience the fullness of this life. You still have a lot of potentials. If you allow God to teach you how to use it, you will experience a different kind of fulfillment deep within.

May you always have a childlike faith that’s always excited to learn new things in life. The kind of faith that believes and trust despite the hardships and pain that life will offer. It’s just a matter of perspective. Change the way you look at life and allow God to mold you inside and out so that you will learn to appreciate even the simplest thing that He will give you. Learn to acknowledge every changes in your life and allow yourself to adapt.

God will use the people around you to help you grow. May you always have the kind of heart that’s always willing to listen to them. Please don’t easily ignore their opinions. Sometimes, you can learn a lot of things by simply listening.