Accepting the Pain Doesn’t Always mean Feeling Better about it
Sometimes, pain’s message and purpose are louder than the pain itself. When you get a bruise or physical wound, automatically, you will respond by remedying it. However, when your heart and soul get wounded, its cause is not always clear. You need to go to your deeper state and have to be willing to be involved in the process of diving in. But know that, you will not dive on it alone. Do not worry, for no matter how deep it might be, God can always pull you up to the surface. He just wants you to see the reasons for yourself. He wants you to know how the pain came into your life, how big it is, and how it affects your life. Maybe, the things you don’t know will be answered once you discover the story behind that pain. It will not always be easy to face them but know that God is with you. He is always there to keep you safe, no matter how big it might be.
God wants you to see and realize the greater and brighter part of the pain. He is teaching you how to redirect your perspectives in life. That way, He could teach you more in your journey. He knows that you are having a hard time. But He is with you and He can feel your pain too. So take heart and believe that you can go through it because He will never leave your side.
Your pain always has a purpose. It will reveal how powerful God could be. It will show you favor in life and blessings bigger than anything you could have asked for. Its purpose is to teach you and to know that God is always with you. It reveals that God can do anything for you and your life. He can heal no matter how painful and deep the wound is in your heart or in your soul. You will then realize how great God is and how loved you are. It will resonate with you for the rest of your life. Remember, your pain now could be your testimony tomorrow, and it will change the hearts of those who hear it. You are a bearer of His love. Always remember that.
Don’t just desire for the pain to be taken away, but desire for a heart that knows how to accept it. Let it lead you to have a courageous heart. One that is tough to its enemies but most vulnerable to God. Do not worry. The relief you will feel weighs much more than the pain itself. The stream of forgiveness and healing will rush into your heart and soul. God is love, and He can do anything to express it in your life. So acknowledge the pain but focus more on the healer.

One Comment
julie abainza moron
thank you for encouragement that give me hope to have faith in God dispite of the hardship in life.God bless us always