
Activate Faith

Faith appears
When you believe
Even in things, you can’t see
Nor something you haven’t been

It exists when you choose
To put your trust in God
Even in times of being clueless
And unsure about the future

It is about His great love
The feel of His comfort
Remembering the good things
And holding on to His promises

Keep on going
No matter how hard it is
Even if you cannot understand
Just look forward to His plans

He is embracing you with love
Believe He can give you strength
Just kneel and pray
And you will discover more of Him

Talk to God
Let faith be greater than fears
When you are alone
He is guiding and leading you

Without you faith
Pleasing Him will be tough
So look beyond the situation
Choose to focus on His power

One Comment

  • Jiesa

    I am starting to think that I am going to be CRAZY again I’m hesitating to believe in what I thought my intuition tells me I felt scared but at the same time it feels so good in my heart oh God what is happening to me is this true or am I hallucinating again.

    Every day feels like being born again being renewed or shall I say I am transforming day by day it’s really hard to trust myself how much more to others soo absurd and creepy TRUST IS MY number 1 issue 🤣😔
    Having low self-esteem as well oh whatsoever I just don’t understand my emotion anymore and I couldn’t tell someone because they might think I am CRAZY again 😔 so I keep it to myself, that no one ever really knows about it.
    Your lucky pursued page coz I shared my sentiments with you.. You are with me ever since especially those times that I am ill before so maybe that’s why I have 20% out of 100% trust in your page.. Well, the truth is I have no one to share with my inner deeper-rooted Delima..
    On your page, I felt so relieved as well so thank you for everything.. HAAAAAAAHAAAAAYY thanks a lot Pursued 😊