His Word

Acts 15:11, NIV

No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.

Acts15:11, NIV

Peter addressed these words to the apostles while they were talking about the Gentile’s circumcision and following the law of Moses. He reminded them that just like the Gentiles, the Jews are also saved through the grace of our Lord. They are being purified not by following the law, but it’s all about faith. It’s by grace that all of us receive the salvation that we don’t deserve. This is a great reminder for us not to put heavy burdens on our brothers and sisters that we didn’t even carry in the first place. Let’s not put a yoke on their neck. Let’s remember that following Jesus isn’t just about doing what the law requires, but it’s all about having faith in Him.

May you never forget that it’s all by grace that we are saved.