Acts 28:31, NIV
He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!
Acts 28:31, NIV
Paul arrived in Rome because the Jews compelled him to appeal to Caesar. There, he continued to testify about what Jesus did in his life, and because they couldn’t find any justifiable reason to keep him in prison, Paul was given the chance to stay in Rome for two years. And there, He proclaimed the Kingdom of God. The difficulties and persecutions that he experienced in Jerusalem didn’t stop Him from teaching people about who Jesus is. With all boldness and without hindrance, Paul chose to glorify God. He did what was right in our Creator’s eyes. He didn’t dwell on the negative things that He experienced. Instead, He faithfully finished the journey with our Savior.
I pray that just like Paul, you will also choose to boldly proclaim God’s kingdom even if you go through suffering.