Acts 3:26, NIV
When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.
Acts 3:26, NIV
God raised His Son, who came here on earth as a servant. He didn’t show up like a King with chariots and earthly riches. Jesus came to serve and sacrifice His life so that we would have the chance to experience eternity with Him. God sent Jesus to bless us by turning each of us from our wicked ways. Through His precious blood, we are cleansed and purified. We are given the chance to go back to His arms and stop sinning. All it takes is faith. We need to believe with all our hearts, mind, and soul that Jesus is our Savior. He loves us so much that He chose us rather than saving himself.
May you believe in Jesus and turn from your wicked ways.