His Word

Acts 4:29, NIV

Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.

Acts 4:29, NIV

After Jesus was resurrected, His disciples continued the mission. They went to different places to share the gospel. They performed signs and wonders. But even if they were already doing extraordinary things in the eyes of men, still these disciples were badly persecuted. They were condemned and thrown into prison because of their faith. But even though they experienced hardships, still, they didn’t stop preaching the good news to the broken and in pain. Instead of giving up, the disciples asked for more strength so that they could speak God’s word with great boldness. With this, we are reminded that even if we go through challenges in life, let’s not stop sharing the goodness of God. Let’s continue to ask for strength, just like what His disciples did.

I pray that you will remember that God will give you the courage that you need to finish that mission that He gave you.