Self Development

Allow God and your Loved ones to Point out your Blind Spots

We all have weaknesses that we are not aware of. It’s what we call blind spots. God can identify them as well as the people who are close to you. Sometimes, your loved ones can’t easily share what they noticed because you might misunderstand them. That’s why you need to seek their help. Let them know that you are willing to accept what they will share. Open your heart and mind to fully receive their valuable feedback. Aside from that, seek God. Connect to His heart every day, and the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the things you need to change. He will show you the impurities that you have inside, and only then will you be able to identify the factors that contribute to how you think and act toward the situation around you and others.

Self-awareness is very powerful. When you know what’s in your unconscious mind, you will know the reasons behind your decisions. When you are aware of it, you can make a conscious effort that can change your life trajectory. You will no longer do the same routine. Instead, you will know the steps to experience a complete transformation. It all starts with knowing yourself. The journey won’t always be perfect. Sometimes, you will feel confused, and questions will start to flood. When that happens, all you need to do is go to God and ask for His guidance.

God will reveal to you what is going on in your mind. He will slowly open your eyes to the status of your soul. He will teach you how to understand yourself better. He will teach you how to accept your weaknesses. When God reveals the things you need to change, His hands will be there to give you the strength you need to overcome the process. When He points out your blind spots, it means He is allowing you to grow into the best version of yourself. Just learn to trust in His ways. Allow His hands to move, and you will have a life-changing journey.

Aside from God, you must also listen to the people He sent. Be open to the things that your loved ones will say about you. Please don’t take it as something against you. Instead, use the feedback that you received as an opportunity for you to become better. Seek their advice and be humble enough to accept the words you will hear from them. It won’t be easy. Sometimes, you will find it hard to accept their comments because it’s painful. But surrender the pain to God and always choose to make a conscious effort to grow. When you do that, you will be able to help not just yourself but also those who are broken and struggling to love themselves.