Allow God To Fight The Battle For You
I know that it’s not easy. You tried your best to fight the problems and struggles within. You never ask for help from somebody else because you think you can make it yourself. But you don’t have to do it all alone. You can always ask for help from God. Surrender the weapons. And let God fight for you. All you have to do is to give Him the chance to perform miracles in your life. Believe in His power. God can do the impossible things. You may feel so tired because you are doing everything by yourself, but it’s time for you to take some rest. You can hide in the presence of God and trust that you are always safe in His arms. Do not doubt His ways. God is greater than the fears you have inside.
Focus on the power of God. He is wise enough to know the answers to your problem. Open your heart and let Him move. Do not limit Him in your life. He is the one who created this universe, and He is powerful than you think. You may lose hope along the way because you never see the hands of God moving in your situation. But the moment He will perform miracles in your life, you will know that God is making way for you. Set your eyes on His goodness. Magnify Him instead of focusing on your problems.
Remember that the enemy is already defeated. Jesus conquered this world. He died on the cross so that you will be released from bondage. You are destined to experience victory, so claim it in your life. Receive the restoration of God. Nothing is too difficult for Him. So let His armies defeat your enemies. Surrender it all to God, and He will teach you how to live a victorious life.
God wants to help you. He wants to make you whole again so that you’ll live this life to the fullest. He wants to redeem you from pain so that you will enjoy every moment you have here on earth. But He will just wait until you are ready to surrender everything to Him. He will patiently wait for your heart to open. He will never force you. Instead, He will always give you the chance to decide. You can get through this as long as you trust in God more than you rely on your own strength.

Please pray for my son 🙏
Please Lord guide and send forth your Holy Spirit, theArchangel, choir of angels and my guardianangrl on the day of my surgery ,you are the greatest healer, Dr Andrew’s hand is your hand protect all his medical staff and the venue as well from any evil doing,Amen