Allow God to Help you Deal with your Trust Issues
You won’t be able to fully embrace God’s blessing in a relationship if you are still dealing with a lot of trust issues in your heart. You can’t fully appreciate the people around you if you keep building walls that will stop them from coming inside. You won’t be able to experience what it means to truly love others if you do not open your heart. Trust may not be easy to give because of the pain that you experienced, but you will feel like you are in a cage if you always keep your heart hidden. Things in your life will be limited. Yes, you need to protect yourself so that you will have the courage to keep moving. But doing it out of fear will always lead you to live an unfulfilled life. Perfect love casts away fear. Surrender what you feel to God and let His great love give you the courage to trust again.
Choose to forgive. Walk with God along the healing process. Don’t carry the pain alone. Cast them in the presence of your Heavenly Father, and He will help you. Forgiveness is not an easy thing to give, especially when you are deeply wounded. But don’t just rely on your own strength. Ask for God’s grace to fully consume your heart. Rely on the Holy Spirit and stop focusing on your weaknesses. Let His goodness push you to stay kind to those people who hurt you. Remember that nobody is perfect. We live in a broken world. You are surrounded by people who are also in the process of healing. Like you, they also have wounds they need to deal with. If you can’t accept this fact, you will always find it hard to live with imperfect humans.
Trust God more than you trust people. Before you allow someone to come in, allow God’s love first to fully consume your heart. Let His grace penetrate your wounds and remind you that He is the ultimate healer. Love others with the love of the Lord. Don’t rely on your own strength because it’s just temporary. Treat God as your ultimate source of love, and you will never run dry. Look at yourself as His vessel. Focus on expanding His kingdom and sharing His goodness, and you will learn to slowly trust others. If you do it for the glory of God, then His grace will be with you all along the way. You may experience pain, but His perfect love will be there to rescue you.
Let God give you the courage to love again. Hold His hands along the journey. Do it not just for your own good but for the sake of pleasing His name. You can’t fully love others if you don’t trust them. And it means that you need to take some risks. But this time around, do it with God. Rely on His wisdom and wait for His instructions. One of the most difficult things to do is to bring back the trust that was lost. It takes time and a painful process, but the moment you allow God’s love to take over, you will then learn to love others despite all your fears.