Allow God to let you Grow in Places He’ll Put You
Don’t stuff yourself in a place that is too small for you. Don’t force yourself to fit into a position too tight. It would delay your growth. Sometimes, God allows us to choose to let go of things that aren’t for us anymore. It may be because He knows that you’ve grown there already, and you are to be plotted once again in places that will help you develop more. So let God uproot you and allow yourself also to let go. When we are so used to one thing, we sometimes see ourselves settling in as we find comfort there. But if we want to grow, the journey itself does not always sound nor feel so comfortable. Remember how you adjust to situations that are new for you? It was uncomfortable and relatively awkward, right? But you were patient enough to know everything surrounding you and get comfortable with them.
When God welcomes us to a new journey, all the pieces don’t feel like they will fit with the others yet. But please do recall how God graced you with your yesterdays and have faith that He will do more than He did. He loves so much in a way that we cannot contain. You are a masterpiece in the making. You are more than what you thought yourself to be. It is absolutely okay not to understand everything because it needs to be understood to live the life God wanted us to. God is patient with you, and He smiles in you. He dances with you in sorrow and laughs with you in joy. You are not alone, even though sometimes it feels like so. You are God’s grace itself. You are cloth in love and of His image.
When you allow God to let you grow, He will expose you to things that may not be comfortable for you. He will let you feel the awkwardness of things. He will give you the chance to know more about the world you live in. When God wants us to learn, He uses the events around us and the people around us as instruments. He does not plant the lesson right away in your heart. He will instead lead you to it. God is guiding you. He is abiding you. He is walking with you. He knows when you are struggling and when you need help. He moves things accordingly and not based on how we understand them. But He knows that it is good for you. He knows what’s best for you.
So hang on there. Hang on in the place where God put you today. More extraordinary things are coming, it is happening, and they will be revealed to you soon. So have your journey with a taste of his promises. Hold on to things that God promised you. Remember His greatness and His love always. Remember that He never stops loving you. It doesn’t mean that you cannot see and feel anything right now, then nothing really is. Believe and have faith that God never ceases in His greatness. He is pouring a lot more blessings to you now, have a pause, see everything around you and see your reflection – a sign of His love.
God can sustain you way more than anything in this world. Let the things around you teach you to grow. Let them be a symbol of His love. May you find God’s favor in your situation right now. He works in ways we cannot always understand. He works in ways we cannot see. But, put in heart His greatness and His favor in you.