Self Development

Allow God to Shape your Character

You are a work in progress. You haven’t discovered your true potential yet. And it takes the right character and attitude for you to make it. So while you are still alive, let God shape you into the person He created you to be. Allow Him to mold and form you into the best version of yourself. You will never know the things that you can do not unless you consult your creator Himself. Pray for a humble heart so that He can teach you how to reach the destination that He prepared for you all this time. Acknowledge the truth that you can’t make it on your own. You need His guidance. Come to Him and stop relying on your own understanding. He alone knows who you truly are from the inside out.

Be patient when God allows you to go through hardships. It means that He is changing your perspective, and He is building your strength. If you can’t understand what’s going on, choose to keep the faith and remind yourself of His goodness. Treat the pain as an opportunity for you to become a better person. He wants you to see things the way He sees them. God wants you to appreciate all His blessings. And sometimes, you need to go through the dark seasons so that you will learn to value His light. You need to face difficulties so that you will learn how to fully depend on Him.

You may not see the changes, but always keep in mind that God is transforming you from within. He is doing something in your heart that you can’t comprehend. He is healing your wounds and mending the broken pieces. It may be hard to believe this, but God is moving in the midst. You will realize the changes the moment you experience another storm in life. You will receive His courage, and you will know that it’s all because of His grace. So stop doubting His love. Keep moving because you will soon arrive in the place that He prepared.

Trust the process.  There may be moments when you feel so lonely, weary, and tired. But know that what you’ve been through will never be wasted. God will use them to lead you in the right direction. If you don’t know what to do, just hold His hands and continue walking even if you can’t see what’s ahead. God knows what He is doing. He perfectly designed the right journey for you. Take one small step at a time, and don’t lose hope.