Allow Yourself to Grieve over the Things that Hurt You
You need to accept your feelings and emotions. Take some time and pause. Meditate about it. Let it flow, and embrace every bit of it. All of the sadness and hurt in your veins need to be recognized. Know your feelings and accept them. It will be a perfect time for you to understand yourself better. Ask God where those pains are connected. Let Him show you your unhealed past that He wants you to face. Your history is vital in shaping you into the person you are today. So let Him show it to you. Do not worry, for He believes in you and the strength that you have to face it. Do not ignore the signs. Instead, recognize it as a part of your identity and growth.
Your feelings are valid. You are capable of feeling jealous, angry, and hurt. You need to remember that you are an emotional being. A loss of a loved one or a broken heart is something you should allow yourself to grieve. Do not ignore it, for an accumulated feeling will make your heart heavy. Gently remind yourself that you are growing and learning in this life. God wants you to feel them so that He can heal whatever is hurting you. You need to submit it to Him. Ask Him how to handle it. Channel your emotions into the good things He has done in your life. Believe that you can overcome it, for He already fought that battle for you.
Do not be afraid to be vulnerable in the presence of God. Crying is for those who are not faint-hearted. Your body is sending you a message to take some rest. Be in a space where you can be alone and talk to Him. Lower your pride in His presence and allow Him to work in you. Talk to Him and cry it all out. No one could understand your situation better than God Himself. Do not be afraid, for He never judges you. He loves to listen to you. It is His joy to hear you talk to Him. So, be free in His presence. Pour out everything that is bothering you. Submit to Him the people that hurt you, the relationships that aren’t working out, the pain that is eating you, and more.
Give yourself a chance to move on properly. Release forgiveness. Absorb the things that hurt you and let Him heal you. Accept the debris of the past and clean it. It will be easier for you to go through the journey if you have a lightened heart. You will have more peace in you and be able to think things clearly. Take good care of your well-being; that is what He wants for you. Feed your mind with good and happy thoughts. Stop thinking of scenarios that are only hurting you. Instead, focus on your healing and well-being. Set your mind in Him and the things He has prepared for you.

One Comment
Your word really inspire me. God bless !