
Always say Thank You

One way of getting rid of
The negative thoughts you have
Is to learn the habit of gratitude
And to always say thank you

We tend to focus on our problems
And forget the blessings that we received
We always feel the pain inside
And focus on other’s mistake

Let us remember good things
No matter how bad the situation is
Let us always have a reason to say thanks
Especially on things that we freely received

Let us thank God for sustaining us
And for giving us enough blessings
Let us focus on the positive events
And hope for more blessings

Remind our hearts of His great love
Recall all the miracles in our life
Thank God for being patient with us
And fill our minds with happy thoughts

Let us thank the people who stayed with us
On how God used them to accompany us
Remember that we always have the choice
To see the light in the presence of darkness

We can think of the struggles
Or we can increase our faith in the Lord
The choice will always be ours
And let us choose to reveal God’s goodness

Let us choose the joy of challenges
Believe even if we can’t see anything yet
Step forward even if you feel scared
And choose to thank God for everything He gave