Are you willing to take some Risks for God?
Following God is not easy. There will be moments when you need to sacrifice your own desires just for Him to be glorified. It requires faith and trust. Above all, it’s a great risk that you need to take. But living in God’s presence is more than a reward that you can receive here on earth. It’s a great privilege to know Him despite the brokenness and pain that you feel. The risks that you will take are nothing compared to the great blessings that God prepared. If you only learn to move forward and keep going despite the fears that you feel inside, then you will surely find it more rewarding to live according to His will. So the question is, are you willing to take some risks for His Kingdom to reign?
There is always a risk everywhere you go. You just have to choose what kind of challenges and obstacles you are willing to take. Choose the ones that are worth fighting for in the end. It appears to be very hard at first, but if you will just patiently wait for the seeds to bloom and bear fruits, then you will surely realize that all your hard works are never in vain. The key to taking some risks is to focus not on yourself but on the One who will walk with you. The path may not be that comfortable, but God is there to pick you up when you fall down. When you choose to take risks with Him, then you will experience so many fulfilling moments that you can never trade with worldly riches.
It’s going to be a different kind of risk. It’s a rewarding one. You will never know how it feels like if you won’t try. Go ahead and walk while holding His hands. If you feel scared, you can close your eyes and continue your journey with Him. Know that you will be safe because He will be there to lead you to the path that He created. He is aware of what’s coming. Trust Him, and you will be guided. It’s okay to take a step even in the wilderness. You can still find the strength that you need. When you journey with Him, all the risks that you will take will serve as a way for you to receive more of His blessings.
Don’t miss His moving in your life. The only One who can teach you how to truly live is the Creator himself. He will take you to unexpected roads and let you go through the wilderness, but those seasons will turn into wonderful memories that you can always cherish. In those moments, you will discover who God is, and you will be exposed to His mercy and grace.