As long as God is with you, Enemies don’t have Power against you
Stay in God’s presence. This world has a lot to offer for your own entertainment and happiness, but not all of them will do you good in the long run. Enemies are not just those who can talk back at you; they looked harmless at first. They will not affect you directly. But they will accumulate and come back to you more assertively, making you defenseless if you are not careful enough. However, the one living in you is stronger than your enemies. That is, stay close to God. Consciously involve Him in everything that you do. Plan with Him and always ask for His wisdom. Fill your mind with His promises, and invite Him where you go.
You are not just to fight your enemies but also to know why you have to. Your worth is not based according on the pain that the past caused you but it’s founded along the purpose God has instilled in you. Fighting your enemy is not always easy, especially when it becomes part of your comfort. Such things are of this world, like inviting useless thoughts and things about other people and events that won’t cause you good things.
They may seem so attractive, like what was shown on social media, but if you think deeply and meditate, it has done you no good. Sometimes, it just makes you angry and annoyed, even jealous at things you really don’t have to. That is why filling and choosing the things that can enter your heart is so important. You should invite only those things that serves great purpose in your heart and mind. Doing it is not just doing what is good and what is not, but also knowing that you are helping yourself be a better version of yourself.
Know that God’s love and favor are more significant than anything in this world. It encompasses the unmeasurable things that man discovers. He sees good things in you. He knows that your heart longs for goodness and love that you thought you found in other people or things. However, He also understands that you need to go through certain situations to understand things better. He wants to help you build courage within yourself because He loves you enough to bless you with more than what you have now.
The things that He is doing in your life reveal His power that He would like you to hold onto in any season of your life. His goodness and grace testify that you are never alone in your journey. You can fight your enemy and let goodness reign in you no matter what life throws at you because you know deep within you that God has a purpose in your life.
Your enemies have no power against you as long as God is within you. His light sores the enemies’ eyes. So whenever you feel attacked, call unto Him and declare His promises in your life. Know that He is more significant and mightier than anything. Do not invite enemies into your zone. Fight them back before they enter your life. Fill your life with God’s light and let Him shine in your heart and mind.