As your Life Gets Heavier, Make God more Visible
Journey with God and you will discover treasures that will never fade. They can never be stolen from you. He will grant you His ways as you keep moving forward. Life may put you in different situations where your faith will be tested but always remember His promises. Never let go of what matters most in the end. It is fine to take some time to overcome your struggles and problems. The process will teach you how to be patient as you are being molded and crafted. Remember, no masterpiece was done in just a couple of seconds, everything takes time. And every experience needs heart for lessons to be valued.
As you walk in your life, remember to have the heart that is willing to accept. A heart that is willing to give up its pride so that His ways can take over. Sometimes, you have to be able to unlearn the things that keep you safe in order to give way to the better plans that God has planned for you. There are moments when you need to unlearn the old ways to have the heart to follow what you need in the present. Such ways involve shaping your character and the way you choose things. Ways that will challenge you how to accept changes in yourself. Not every time the situation needs to change. Sometimes, it is the heart that needs one.
It is important to have God in your life. As you grow and go on you will meet more risks and people that will really challenge your faith in them and in yourself. You will be welcomed unto things that you never really expect for yourself. Events and situations in life that will totally shock and surprise you will really happen. The more changes in your life, the more you need God in your heart.He can plant a seed but it’s up to you if you will allow Him.
God will help you all the way. He will never leave you no matter what your situation is. Know that His promises will always guide you and hold on to better days He has prepared for you. You will experience difficulties in adjusting but know that change never really feels too comfortable. But it will eventually teach you how to be okay in situations that you feel so heavy. He will teach you how to hold on and have the heart to never quit doing your purpose.
Seek His ways in everything you do. Welcome Him in any situation in your life. Involve God in your decisions and treat Him as your constant. Live and start your day with Him as your priority. Then you will witness changes in your life that are for your own good. Never stop believing and choose to live inside His presence.