Ask God to give you the Strength to accept the Things you can’t Change
Acceptance is one of the key steps toward healing. You can never experience complete restoration if you hold on to the pain that you experienced. Your mind will be full of negative emotions, and your heart will be filled with bitterness. You need to make a bold decision to finally let go and move forward. It’s not easy, especially when you are still consumed with fears. Your thoughts will hinder you from hoping. This is the reason why you need God. His strength alone can give you the ability to see the future with excitement. The negative things that you experience will tempt you to stop believing in His promises. You need to consistently remind yourself that God is there and He will guide you along the way.
Acknowledge the truth that you can’t control everything. You don’t have enough power to protect yourself from the things that are unseen. What you can do is respect His will and trust that great things will still happen. You will feel so frustrated if you keep on trying to control the things that you are meant to surrender. Admit that you can’t do it on your own. Call upon God and allow Him to help you. The things that happened in the past will never change. It may be hard to accept it, but you won’t be able to treasure your present if you keep looking back. Please don’t live inside the pain of yesterday. You still have a life to live. Look at the good things in front of you, and you will be blessed.
Rely on God. Depend on His great love, and stop focusing on your weaknesses. Sometimes, the best that you can do is just obey and follow Him. You may not understand some of His instructions, but He knows what’s ahead. So instead of listening to your doubts and fear, just learn to walk and abide in His presence. You can always trust Him. He is always faithful, and He will keep His promises. You may find it so challenging to believe in the future that He prepared, but if you only give Him full authority to lead and guide you, then you will slowly see His light. Things won’t always be easy the moment you choose to depend on Him, but rest assured that you will experience His peace wherever He leads you.
Allow Him to change the way you think. Let Him give you the wisdom of heaven. Maybe it’s hard for you to let go because your mind can’t perceive the wonderful future that He prepared. You wanted to hold on to what you experienced before thinking that it’s already the best that you can receive. But the truth is, more is yet to come. If God wants you to move forward, then it means that there are still great blessings that are waiting for you. Know that God will hold your hands. Yes, you can’t change the situation around you, but you can absolutely take charge of your thoughts and perspective in life.