
Be Confident

You can do great things in life
If you only realize your identity in the Lord
You will stop doubting yourself
If you only encounter His great love for you
You will never be afraid to take the next step

You are His precious child
And His plans for you are greater
than what your mind can perceive
Maybe it’s hard for you to believe it
Because what you experienced are the opposite things

You are going through some hardships
There are a lot of challenges
But believe with all your heart
That your future is just so bright
Simply because the God who created this universe,
Already prepared everything for you

So never underestimate yourself
Let God be the ultimate source of your confidence
You still have a lot of potentials that you need to discover
And you will never realize the gifts
that God gave you if you will not try

So do not be afraid
Take the next step and do your best
God is writing your story
And you need to partner with Him

You need His wisdom to guide you
So listen to Him instead of listening to the lies of the enemy
You are not worthless
You have a great purpose here on earth
You can do something for God
So use what you have to glorify His name

Have faith in the Lord your God
You are destined to experience victory
He wanted you to prosper

Have faith in the Lord your God
You are destined to experience victory
He wanted you to prosper