Self Development

Be Grateful for the Job that you have right now

Not all people are given a chance to work in this time of crisis. Some of them are still looking for opportunities, so if you happen to have a job that pays you well, then choose to be grateful and stop complaining. You may receive a lot of pressure and stress, but treat them as an opportunity for you to grow and learn new things. Remember that you are blessed because what you have right now are answers to somebody’s prayer. Thank God for all the blessings that you receive from Him. Stop focusing on the negative things.

Pray that He will open the eyes of your heart so that you will learn to treasure the things that He provided for you. Remember those moments when you are still praying for the exact blessing you have right now. God remained faithful in your life, so live with a thankful heart and use every moment as your opportunity to serve Him and His people. Do what is right and pleasing in His eyes. Keep glorifying Him, and you will feel so fulfilled.

Don’t focus on the challenges and problems you encounter in your job. Lift them up to Him and surrender all your worries and cares. Share to Him what you truly feel, and listen to His voice. He will give you the wisdom you need, especially in handling the obstacles you encounter. In Him, you will gain more strength to overcome your problems. Just fix your eyes on His promises and instructions.

Fill your mind with heavenly things so that when you face storms along the way, you will learn to hold on to God’s words. When you encounter challenges in your work, God will be there to provide you with the courage to keep going. If He was the one who gave you that blessing, then He will sustain you until the end. Just stay rooted in His love, and you will receive His comfort.

God hears your heart. He knows all your concerns, but sometimes instead of looking at the bigger picture, you focus on what’s wrong in your job. If you think that you can’t handle the stress, then come to God and keep praying to Him. Allow Him to change your perspective. Maybe you see things differently. That’s why you can’t appreciate even the small blessings you receive from Him. Let Him change your mindset. Just talk to Him and let Him be your teacher.

He cares for you. God will never give you something that you can’t handle. If you think that the challenges you face are still helping you in a good way, then keep pressing on. God will give you the courage to fight. He knows when to stop, so trust His timing. In the meantime, do the best that you can and enjoy His blessings. Be faithful for the things that you have, and offer God all the works of your hands.

Remember that a thankful heart will always receive more than enough. When your eyes are too focused on the good things, you can’t help but attract more blessings. So start to list down all the wonderful gifts you receive from God, especially in your job, and focus on them. When you see His blessings, your eyes will be opened to more opportunities, and you will also see God’s abundant resources. You will experience overflowing favor from Him, and you can’t help but feel in awe of His goodness. Just continue to praise and glorify His Name. Offer your thanksgiving to Him, and you will appreciate everything He has given you. Your job may not be that easy, but it’s a gift from God. Choose to glorify Him with what you have, and you will experience so many breakthroughs in life.