Be Kind with your Words, for they can Make or Break a Person
Words hold a lot of meaning. A single word means and sounds different in every person. What seems simple to you might already complete somebody else’s day. It could also be a word that is not new to you; however, it’s something that a person has been dreaming of hearing. Kind words can really melt somebody else’s heart. It can help them feel accepted, cared and even loved. It can cheer them up and make their heart happy. Word is a powerful tool. It can create relationships and build everlasting friendships. It can make people laugh. It can make them feel complete.
Some words could break a person. Just like how it could encourage someone, it could also damage them. There are words whose meanings are too heavy to contain. Words that can hurt a person can also make them hurt somebody else. Words that make a person cry can also change and harden their hearts. Words that are left unhealed can cause deeper wounds in one’s life. Some words make people lose their value themselves. Some even make people feel unworthy. Sadly, hurtful words are very hard to unhear. These words are like daggers and leave scars that last for a long time.
We should be careful how our words could affect somebody else’s life. Please don’t hold back kind words. Do not be afraid to say something good and cheer for someone. Do not stop uttering words that could make someone happy and belong. Say good things about other people, but most importantly to yourself. Say something good about yourself every day. When you are down and hurt, remind yourself that you are enough. When they hurt you with hurtful words, remind yourself of the good ones.
There might be instances when you hear unkind words about yourself. Remember what God taught you and how He knows you. Remember how God loved you and how He values you. If it does you no good, do not be afraid to let it go. If it makes you grow, then allow God to direct you. Let Him teach you how words function in your life and how they can help you grow. Remind yourself of His truth. Always remind yourself that you act and move for Him no matter what you are doing. When the situation challenges you to utter something not good, try to restrain and pause. Take a deep breath and think. It doesn’t mean that someone hurt you, you will give them two folds of it.
What is the state of the heart is reflected in your mouth. What you utter could also be the state of your heart. The same goes for other people. Just be patient with yourself and work on the inside. Be patient with other people, for we do not know their stories. If you know what is supposed to and not supposed to say, then do what is right.