Self Development

Be Patient With Yourself Especially When You Deal With Your Problems

There are really days in life when you just don’t know what to do with your situation. You feel so troubled, and your mind is full of worries. When you experience those difficult moments, please don’t be too hard on yourself. Do not condemn yourself if you made the wrong move. Please be patient with yourself if you can’t still figure out the right thing to do. Know that God understands your heart, and He is not just watching over you, but He is also moving in the midst of your struggles. Don’t focus on your own knowledge and understanding. Listen to God, and He will teach you how to deal with your problems. Don’t carry everything on your own. Receive the love of God, and He will teach you how to understand yourself more.

Do not pressure yourself to come up with instant answers. Sometimes, we think that if we try to push ourselves, we will eventually figure out the answer. But life doesn’t work that way. You need to go through the process, and there are times when you can’t really understand what’s going on. The answer is nowhere to be found, but the good thing is, you always have the assurance that God will be with you, and He will provide for what you need. Do not focus on the answers but set your eyes on the power of God. Remind yourself that He wants you to experience the best things in life. That’s why you should trust in Him.

Please take a rest. Give yourself the chance to reflect on what’s going on in your life.  If you don’t know how to do it, pray that God will give you the peace you need. Maybe you think that you can’t rest for now because if you don’t move, the worst things might happen. But know that God is moving even if you are resting. Let Him take good care of you. Remember that even machines need to take some rest, and so are you. Never forget that you only live once, so cherish the blessings that God provided for you, and that includes your body.

Open your heart for God’s love, and He will be the one who will teach you how to love and accept yourself. Yes, it’s hard to do it, especially when you don’t know what love really means. But the moment God will speak to you, then He will certainly change the way you see things. He will reveal to you your true identity, and you will never be the same again. In Him, you will realize that you are His precious beloved.