Be Still, And Know That God Will Take Good Care Of You
The circumstances around you can never pull you down as long as you allow God to take good care of you. Maybe you think that the storm you are facing is too strong and powerful but choose to be still. Remind yourself that there’s nothing too impossible for God. He will perform miracles in your life. So cast all your worries and cares upon Him, and He will help you in your problems. Sometimes, we lose hope because we allowed negative thoughts to consume our minds. We tend to underestimate the power of God in our lives. We forget His great love for us, and we choose to listen to the lies of the enemy. That’s why we feel so down and hopeless deep within.
Have faith! Believe in the power of God even if you are surrounded by many problems in life. Never allow the circumstances that you face to hinder you from growing in His presence. Instead of taking it as something against you, try to focus on your faith and choose to grow in His arms. Use the challenges in your life to teach you how to deepen your relationship with God. Take the lesson as an opportunity for you to become a better person. You can always find security and protection in His arms. His love will be your ultimate assurance that everything is going to be okay in the end. Faith exists because you can’t simply see what’s ahead. You need to believe and trust that God already prepared a great future for you.
Rest in the presence of God. Surrender to Him all your worries and cares. Stop controlling the things that you can’t control. Let God move in ways you can never imagine. Just receive His peace, and only then will you learn to rest in His arms without worrying about the things that will happen next. You will never be disappointed in the presence of God. You will be amazed by His great love for you. When you feel so tired and hopeless, just remember that He is powerful.
Let Him be the God of your life. Never allow the lies of the enemy to consume your heart. Listen to the one who truly knows everything. God alone can redeem you from the troubles that you are going through. Just put Him at the center and choose to follow His ways. Abide in His word and let Him direct your path. Give up the things that you can’t handle. Offer it to God, and He will help you.

I Think You For this Godly word To day In JESUS NAME AMEN 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽❤️🧎🏿♂️.
blessed be god forever hear my prayers dear father. AMEM
My marriage is going through rough/ storms at the moment. There are times that I want to give up. Your daily posts always remind me to trust the Lord. And that all I need to do is to have faith in Him that He will deliver me from all the pains.
Karen Eyre
Encouragement for life!
Karen Eyre
Encouragement for a life of Peace!
Just what I needed to hear today!!