Be vulnerable in the Presence of God
You can show Him your weaknesses. You can tell Him that you are so tired. You can always cry out everything to God. And He will be there. He will comfort you. He will wrap your heart with His love until you realize that you are His beloved child. Be true and genuine in the presence of God. He knows how to deal with your emotions. He is the best mentor you could ever have. Trust in Him and stop hiding what you truly feel. Be honest to Him and surrender all the pain. You can be so vulnerable in His presence, and He will never judge you. Instead, He will accept you for who you are. He understands you because He saw everything that you’ve been going through.
You can tell God about what’s really going on, and He will give you peace. Share to Him all the negative voices that you hear in your head. Express all your worries and the things that are bothering you. Tell Him about what happened. Do it for yourself. Remember that God already knows everything, but still, He asks you to be honest to Him so that you will slowly unload the heavy weight inside your heart. It’s the best way for you to get rid of the bitterness. Do not let the painful things that happened hinder you from receiving the fullness of His blessings. Stop carrying everything on your own. Let Him help you.
Tell Him that you are scared about what might happen next. Share to Him that you are tired and feel so hopeless. He will never judge you for having that sort of emotion. You are human, and it’s part of who you are. There are days when you just feel so disappointed with yourself. And that doesn’t mean that you are walking through the wrong path. If you face so many challenges. It means that God wants you to grow and become a better person. So be patient and allow God to reign inside your heart. You are always safe in His presence. He will take good care of you so don’t be afraid.
You can openly release all your burdens to Him. Talk to Him and treat Him like your best friend. Be transparent to God, and you will slowly learn to treasure your relationship with Him. When you become vulnerable to Him, it means that you choose to open your heart so that His love can come in. You depend on His great power and not on your own strength.