
Bearer Of God’s Light

Do not hide the light within
Let the love flow
Continue to do good
Be kind to the people around you

Let the light of Jesus shine
Through your words and actions
Show to the people who God is in your life
Do not just keep Him in your heart

Share His love
And do your best
To glorify His name
You are the light of this world

You are surrounded
By broken people
So let Jesus shine in your life
Through the service
That you offer to them
And they may receive the hope
That Jesus also gave to you

Allow Him to use your talents and skills
Offer what you have to honor God
Be kind
Because you never know the things
That people are going through

Evaluate your words
And check your thoughts
Purify your heart
So that you will learn to love others

You are God’s representative here on earth
Your actions and words
Reflect who your Father is
So stop entertaining the negative things

Focus on the blessings
So that you will also learn
To bless others
Above all,
Choose to love even if it hurts
Choose to serve
Even if you go through problems

Give yourself away
So that others will live
And only then will you experience more of God
You will realize what it means
To become a bearer of His light