Begin your journey with the Lord, and you will have a wholesome experience with Him
Taking the first step is sometimes the hardest. Not everyone will believe in you, which will sometimes affect how you see yourself. But know that more significant is the force of those who love you than those trying to bring you down. Not everything may go as planned, but the trip will slowly unfold if you start your journey with God. It will sometimes take time, resources, effort, and strength. You will have to endure rough roads, make difficult decisions, and even lose a part of yourself. But the more you do, the more you will grow.
A wholesome experience with God is very promising, but it will not always look so comfortable. There will be moments when He will ask you to move out of your zone and experience meeting new people. It will be surprising in many ways but focus on what He wants to teach you. There will also be part of your journey wherein He will have you break the walls that you made for yourself. Such walls separate you from welcoming new things in life. However, do not worry too much. The process will be complicated, but you will learn how to open up yourself once again. Remember that He doesn’t want to harm you but only to show you what you have missed all this time.
God’s greatness surrounds you. It could also get entangled with what you choose to do in life. But know that His glory, love, and favor are everywhere and can be experienced at any time. The journey is about building yourself by witnessing and experiencing more of God’s love. It is about how you will make yourself. He just wants you to grow closer to Him. To depend more on Him and to have Him be part of every step you take. So, rest your victory in Him. The success that your heart has been longing for will become more meaningful once God is welcome in your heart.
You and God will have a wholesome journey ahead. You will have Him not just as a Father but also as a companion, teacher, friend, mentor, and more. Do not worry. You will learn and grow so much. There’s more to the journey than the goal itself. There’s more of God’s love in you than the defeat you will encounter. That gift you have will be nurtured and prospered to bless you and those with you. Your journey will one day become a testimony that will show how great God is in your life and the things that He can do.
Begin your journey with Him. Let Him be the One who will guide you all the way. Learn from the things that He will let you experience. Treasure and keep them, for they can help you more in the future. But, most importantly, enjoy that journey with God. Fill yourself with gratitude and love, and let that flow to those people that you will meet in the future.