Behind every season of Harvest are moments of Pruning and Hardships
Sometimes, what people see is the harvest season or the fruits in your life. They fail to count the difficulties you went through before that fruitful season happened. So when you see someone who appears to be very successful and victorious, learn to also consider those difficult seasons that they went through just to get to the place where they are.
Good things happen to those who wait and work hard. Great blessings don’t only happen in an instant. Most of the time, it takes a long process, and so many difficulties before you finally receive them. There are still so many reasons you need to go through. There are days when you need to wait for your prayers to happen. So take heart. The challenges you experience will lead you to a bountiful harvest.
Be patient when you go through the pruning season. God will help you realize the things that you need to change through the hardships that He allowed you to experience. Choose to persevere and don’t rely on your own understanding. Keep moving and set your eyes on the wonderful things that God promised. In the most difficult season of your life, you will discover the things that you can do in order to properly steward the blessings or the seeds that God gave you. It’s when you will discover the importance of God’s presence. He will prepare you for what’s coming, and He will strengthen your foundation so that you won’t be easily shaken.
Let the hardships teach you the lessons on how to cherish the harvest season. You won’t value the good times if you don’t go through difficulties in life. The pruning season is God’s way of realigning your thoughts and purifying your heart. After that, you will have a Heavenly perspective, and you will see the blessings behind your hardships. You will also appreciate the process and not just the fruit of your pain and efforts. It’s the journey that makes the destination more valuable. It’s not just about reaching the finish line, but it’s also about walking in the presence of God even in the midst of problems. It’s a test of faithfulness and proper stewardship of His blessings.
The harvest season will be worth it. So press on, and don’t give up! Patiently go through the process and treasure your journey with God. Listen to His instructions and acknowledge His ways. Work hard for God’s glory and don’t focus on the pain. Keep in mind that after the pruning season will be a victorious moment. Someday, you will bear fruit that will last even through eternity. When you arrive at the place that God promised, you will learn to be grateful for what happened in the past because those moments lead you to see the blessings of God from the right perspective.