Behind Your Great Calling Are Difficult Challenges That You Need To Face
You will know that God is calling you for greater things when you encounter difficult challenges in life. He wants to mold you into a better person so that you can handle His blessings well. If you can’t understand the things around you, then always remember that God has great plans in store for you. So stop focusing on the negative things that you experienced. Instead, set your eyes on God and trust that He knows what He is doing in your life. His calling is greater than what you have in mind. So allow Him to move, and He will perform miracles. Sometimes, we tend to underestimate the power of God, but if we only learn to obey Him, then He will always lead us to His great plans.
Choose to endure and know that your efforts will never be in vain. Move forward even if you face difficulties in life. Believe it or not, God is teaching you great lessons that you need to apply in the future. And when you learn to move according to His ways, you will realize that God never wasted all the hardships you face. He is teaching you how to handle bigger responsibilities so that when you receive His blessings, you will no longer find it hard to manage them. God knows your talents and skills. And He will never give you challenges that you can’t overcome. Just depend on Him and stop relying on your own strength.
God is building you from the inside. He is molding your heart so that you will know how to focus on Him even when you face bigger problems. He is increasing your faith so that you will find your satisfaction in His presence. And you will no longer be tempted to use the riches of this world to fill the emptiness inside because you are already complete and whole in the arms of God. You may not see His ways, but He is doing everything for your own good.
One day, you will thank Him for allowing you to go through different kinds of challenges. You will see yourself growing, and that’s when you realize that His great purpose in your life will always prevail. You may face difficulties in life, but you need to remember that God loves you so much. He will never leave your side. And if you will continue to walk in His presence, then He will use your life to magnify His goodness and love. You are not a mistake, and you have a great purpose that you need to fulfill.

Inesa Petkevica
Thank you. X
I heard i a clearly voice of God.it was amazing,,his real voice 2 years ago.and i face a lot of cercumtances in life I’m a woman i don’t know what should be my calling.because only in the bible or in only in the history that hey can hear God or talk to God.after then it chance my life i want some advice about this thing.thank you.
Amen..so helpful
Amber Laura
I enjoy reading these. They help to encourage me in my daily walk with God. Thank you ❤️🙏🏻💯