Self Development

Being Too Busy Is Not An Excuse For You To Run Away From Your Pain

It’s not easy to face the pain inside. Sometimes, you would rather choose to forget your emotions and move on in life. You keep yourself busy at work, and you try to fill your mind with thoughts that will make you forget about your emotions. You treat your busy schedule as an excuse to run away from what you truly feel. But at the end of the day, if you will not learn to face it, you will end up feeling so broken on the inside.  That’s why you need to remember that God doesn’t give you emotions just for you to ignore and run away from it. It’s there for a purpose, and the moment you realize that there is beauty behind the pain, you will learn to face it with enough courage.

Yes, you need to move on in life, but see to it that you already acknowledge what you feel along the journey. The healing process may take so long, but just let God heal your heart. Surrender everything to Him and allow Him to perform miracles in your life. The pain that you feel inside is not your enemy. It simply reveals the things that you need to work on. It will never go away not unless you learn to face it.

Your pain will teach you an important lesson. You can’t appreciate the good things behind what you’ve been going through simply because you are too focus on the negative things you experienced. But when you learn to look at the bigger picture, you will realize that what you feel inside will help you grow into a better person. Take the lesson with you and never forget it because it will become the greatest treasure that you could ever have here on earth. You will be a different person after you get through this season. God will give you enough courage, so stop running away from the things you are meant to overcome.

God will always be there for you. Maybe you are just scared to face what you feel because you think you can’t make it on your own. But you can always ask for help from God. Just open your heart, and He will give you enough strength. Give yourself the chance to experience freedom. You deserve the kind of life that is full of love and joy. Allow yourself to experience peace by simply surrendering all your pain in the arms of God.