
Believe in God when He gives you Something that you are not Familiar with

God will bless you in a lot of ways. And it includes giving you blessings you are not used to or familiar with. He will bring you on a journey you have no idea how to start. He will present to you opportunities that will make you doubt. You will feel like rejecting it, for it is new for you. It would sometimes make you ask why He gave it to you. But do not worry. Take courage and believe. When God gives you something you are unfamiliar with, you are about to partake in more incredible blessings. He is going to show you mighty things in life.

Believe that God knows what you need. He provided you with strength. He will give you the wisdom on how you are going to use it.  When He blesses you with new things, it means you are already ready for it. He gives it to you because He believes you can foster His blessings. So offer your doubts to Him. Ask and pray for His ways. Trust yourself that you can do it. And have faith in Him who allowed it to happen. It is okay if there are sudden reactions. As humans, sometimes change fears us because it makes us worried. But remember that He will not give it to you if it is not part of your fate. 

God believes in you. He knows what you are capable of. Do not let your doubt pull you from what He destined you to. When things are new, you will feel uncomfortable and anxious, especially when you do not know where it leads you. But take a look inside yourself. He is working with you. You will possess values that He wants you to instill. He is using you for a greater purpose. He is making you an instrument of His blessings to others. Grow in His presence and abide in His ways. 

Trust Godโ€™s timing. Place your confidence in Him. You will eventually find the answers to your questions. Be excited about the purpose behind the unexpected events in your life. Sometimes, you have to let things unfold. He already won the victory. He fought for you already. Let  the unfamiliar stuff in your life strengthen your trust in Him. That journey will make you depend on God more. Just live in that moment and let your worries slowly vanish as you enjoy His presence. 

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