His Word

Believe in the Goodness of God

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Psalms 27:13, NKJV

One thing that greatly helped David, especially in seasons of difficulties, was to believe in God’s goodness. He would have lost heart, but he kept reminding himself that God was good despite everything he was going through.

Many times, we also go through seasons when we want to give up. We experience moments of loss or pain, and we can’t help but think that God doesn’t care. In this verse, we are reminded that one of the things that would help us hold on is to believe in His goodness.

If you are struggling right now and feel like the world is against you, keep this in mind: God is good. You may not see it because of the bad things you experienced, but behind every negative situation is an opportunity to receive more of God’s love and goodness.

Things will get better not because of your strength but all because of a good God who is with you. Believe with all your heart that He is moving. Wait for His miracles and be patient. Just because you can’t see anything good in your life doesn’t mean God is not there. Perhaps He is giving you the chance to experience His love in a deeper way. Maybe He is taking you to another level wherein you will know Him as your lover.

Let His goodness and faithfulness remind you that there is still hope in life. Things may appear hard at the moment, but allow God to comfort you. Open your heart for His peace, and you will realize He is there. God never leaves your side.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for loving me. Thank you for reminding me not to lose hope. Please help me, Lord, especially when I find it hard to focus on your goodness. Teach me how to trust in you. Renew my heart and mind, that I may not rely on my own understanding, instead I will learn to focus on your ways. Guide me to the right path, Lord. Give me a heart that’s willing to listen to your voice. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.