
Believing In Jesus Is Different From Following Him

Many people believe in Jesus, but only a few of them follow Him. There’s a big difference between believers and followers of Christ. It takes a change of perspective for someone to believe in the power of Jesus but following Him takes a change of heart and the courage to do His will. It requires a selfless life that’s willing to share God’s great love to others. Being His follower may be challenging, and the journey will never be easy, but everything will be worth it. His love alone is the greatest reward that His follower can receive. It’s more than the riches of this world. And nothing else can compare to the great joy that His followers experienced in serving Him.

Following Christ takes a lot of sacrifices. Your faith will be tested. The road ahead is too narrow, and it’s going to be challenging. But even though we will go through some hardships, the grace of God will always be there to sustain us. And the most beautiful thing is we will be able to spend more time with our Heavenly Father. Our relationship with Him will grow, and it will give us the strength to take another step. We will learn to fully depend on His mercy and love. We know that His grace is enough, and we take pride in our sufferings because it’s when we will be able to testify that it’s the strength of God that sustained us all this time.

The pain and struggles are worth it as long as you know that Jesus was glorified in your life. Your relationship with Him is more than enough for you to feel loved and treasured. The challenges are nothing compared to the great miracles that He will be doing. Following Him may take a lot of pruning, but it’s the only way for us to produce more fruit for His glory. The difficulties will turn into a lesson that will bless your life and those people who greatly need some help. So continue to do the right thing even if you are struggling because that’s what following Christ is all about.

Don’t just stay as a believer, instead choose to be His follower. You need to apply the thing that you learned from Him. Open your heart for His love because it will give you enough courage to also do good things for others. Following Jesus means loving Him and the people around us. It’s all about offering the things that we have and sharing His blessings to those in need. Let Jesus invade your life, and you will experience a lot of wonderful moments with Him.