Best things take time
The best things in life take time
They need to go through the process
You need to wait
If you are asking God for something
If it’s precious and valuable
Then, you need to be patient
God doesn’t always give everything
Everything you want in an instant
Most of the time,
He will ask you to stay still
And just enjoy the process
He is still preparing for the best
You need to grow first
You need to know how to steward them
You must be mature enough
To handle what He gave
If you don’t want to
Waste the blessings He gave
Then choose to wait
Don’t be in a hurry
God is not yet finished with you
He is still teaching you many things
Choose to embrace His lessons
And let Him change you inside out
If you want to receive the best
They allow God to walk you
Acknowledge His will
And wait for His hands to move
Let Him be the author of your story
And choose to abide in His ways
God knows what He is doing
God has His own timeline

One Comment
Merlyn Guille
Blessful messsge. Praise God.