Better Days are Coming
There is still hope. Do not give up. You may feel so tired and weary because of your situation, but know that better days are coming. Do not focus on what you are going through. You can’t appreciate the good things around you because your mind is occupied with negative thoughts. Remember the goodness of God. Recall His promises and believe with all your heart that it will come to pass. Have faith and keep walking. Treat God as the source of your strength, and you will make it.
Rely on His great love for you and surrender the pain that you feel. Share to Him all your worries and cares. Let Jesus hold your hands. Let Him lead you to the right path. Things will change. And as long as you are walking with God, then your life will be better. He knows what’s best for you. In Him, you will grow and flourish. He will reveal to you the great things that He prepared, and only then will you have the motivation to keep pressing on.
God’s desire is for you to experience the fullness of this life. There may be obstacles and pain along the way, but you will end up in victory. The goodness and love of God will serve as the light that will guide you through your destiny. Just fix your eyes on Him, and you will be safe. When you are bombarded with so many questions and doubts, just lift them up in prayer and let God take away your fears. You will be okay.
Your life will slowly change according to how God wants you to live. Just don’t follow your own will and understanding. Let God mold and guide you. Let Him change the way you see things. And only then will you slowly appreciate the blessings that He prepared. Your creator wants you to be happy and fulfilled. Believe in His love and trust in Him.
In moments when you feel like you are walking in the darkness, don’t rely on your emotions. You may feel in pain and scared, but what you feel is sometimes not the truth. You need to listen to the voice of God and remind yourself that He is greater than your problems. He is more powerful than the negative emotions that you feel. You can’t appreciate what He prepared if you will stay where you are and just focus on what’s happening.
Live inside the presence of God. Draw closer to His heart and do not let go of His hands. Allow Him to move, and He will let you see the bigger perspective. Your hope will grow as long as you keep your faith in Him. Treat Him as the King of your life and let His sovereignty lead you to have a humble heart that’s willing to believe in His promises.
Do not stop walking. The journey may appear so tough and challenging, but God prepared everything ahead. You may have so many doubts in mind, but choose to trust in Him even if you can’t feel His presence. Activate your faith and know that He never leaves your side. You are not alone. God’s angels are guiding you. He will bring the right people according to His perfect timing. He will lead you to so many opportunities. His favor will be with you everywhere you go. His blessings will sustain you. Your life will change from glory to glory. God knows that you can overcome all the challenges that He allowed you to face. He believes in you. He knows your potential and the things that you can do.

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Nathaniel Myles