Blaming Others won’t Solve the Problem
Focus on what you can do and not on the negative things that people did to you. Just because you blame them doesn’t mean you will experience peace within. You may point out so many mistakes that they made, but remember that at the end of the day, God still gave you the freedom to make decisions. You can set yourself free from the pain. Just make a decision to surrender whatever it is that people did to you. Put in mind that you can never control them, but you can take charge of yourself. You can listen to the lies of the enemy, or you can do the right thing.
Thinking of other people’s faults can’t solve your problem. It can’t end your misery. In fact, it can add to the concerns of your life. It will serve as a burden to your heart. You will consistently be bothered by their imperfection, and that will lead you to be discouraged with your future. It will be hard for you to look at the brighter side, and that will prevent you from coming up with an effective solution to your situation. You will no longer see the resources around you because you keep on focusing on what’s wrong. Choose to depend on God and ask for His wisdom.
Trust in His love and rely on His grace. Stop putting the blame on other people. Look at the certain aspects of your life that you can improve. Focus on your own growth and extract the jewels out of the pain and heartbreaks. Look at the treasures behind every difficult person that you meet. Their unwanted behaviors can improve your character and how you look at a person. They can mold your foundation and strengthen your core. So treat them as a blessing and allow their mistakes to teach you what to do.
You can only find the solution in the arms of God and not in the negative things that happened in your life. So hold on to His words and seek His wisdom. Allow Him to teach you the best thing to do. Do not rely on your own understanding. Be humble enough to admit that you can’t find the solution just by trusting your own feelings. You need to be mature enough to take the next step. Let go of the frustrations and disappointments and surrender them to God. He knows how to effectively deal with them.
Remember that other people can never disturb you as long as you won’t allow them. Set your eyes on what you can control and learn to manage your emotions. Empower yourself to make changes without destroying the image of other people. Only then will you slowly figure out the best that you can do to your problems. When you seek the solution, then your heart won’t be heavily affected by other people’s behavior.