Self Development

Brave People knows that they Can’t make it on their Own

This world has a different standard, especially when we talk about a person’s strength. Some would think that’s it’s about doing things on your own and fighting the battle alone. But I believe that real brave people are those who acknowledge the truth that they need some help. It takes courage to accept that real strength is something that you didn’t carry inside, but it comes from the people who support you, and above all, it’s from God. So if you think that you are brave enough to fight the battles in front of you, then it means that you are ready to ask for help and let God move in the midst. Yes, you feel strong inside every time you are in control of the things that are happening around you. But you will feel even stronger the moment you learn to let go and allow God to move.

It takes courage to trust. That’s why brave people are those who are willing to keep the faith even if they don’t know what’s ahead. They stopped managing others or trying to control their situation because they had no power over it. They don’t waste their energy on things that are beyond their own knowledge and understanding. Brave people know how to surrender their will, and they fight the battle through prayers. They took the risk of believing the unseen, and they chose to gather some strength from God. They stopped relying on their own way of doing things. Their trust in God is the reason why they still get up and face another day.

True strength comes out every time you choose to acknowledge that you are not fighting the battle alone. The support that you get from God and other people will push you to take another step. That’s why it’s very important to ask for some help. Maybe you feel scared because you might experience rejections, but seek God first before you consult other people. Pray for a humble heart that you may accept His words and instructions. Know that He will never destroy your life. There may be moments when you feel so broken, but always remember that God will always be there. Fix your eyes on Him and choose to depend on His love.

You are a brave warrior. Not because you have innate strength but because God is with you. And He will help you overcome all your struggles. He knows that you can make it. When you feel so weary and tired, just call upon His name, and He will be there. Stop carrying the burdens alone. Surrender them in the presence of God and let Him move in your life. Ask, and it shall be given unto you.