Self Development

Breakthrough Starts on the Inside

You will never experience change if you keep on following the same perspective over and over again. You need to learn and apply the lessons that God is teaching you. Know that He always works from the inside. Learn to deal with your heart and your thoughts first. Only then will your experience breakthroughs. Do not focus on your situation. Life will always throw unexpected circumstances that will test your soul. Just deal with what you can control.

Focus on God and let Him teach you how to see things the way He sees them. There are certain events in life that need to happen first before you can fully internalize important lessons. Let God’s process slowly transform your thoughts. When the time is right, God will lead you to a season where you can apply what you learned from Him. But until then, keep working on the inside, and don’t compare your growth to others. You may not see it now, but one day, you will blossom and prosper in the arms of your loving Father.

Focus on the matters of your heart. Deal with them and ask God for the courage to face the deepest wounds inside. It won’t be an easy journey. Sometimes, you will get tired of dealing with the same issues over and over again. But the healing process takes time. It won’t happen instantly, and there will be moments when you’ll experience the pain over and over again. But what’s important is you choose to face them with God.

Things will get better as long as you stop relying on yourself. Look at the hands and the power of God. And you will find the strength to face your painful past. He will walk with you along the process. Trust that His goodness never fails. Claim His promises and receive His never-ending grace.

Change the way you think. If your mindset is not right, then you will only find it hard to experience a complete transformation. Allow God to renew your mind. Fill your thoughts with things that are aligned with His perspective. Read the bible, study His word and learn from His ways.

Pray for a humble heart that’s willing to acknowledge God’s lessons. You won’t appreciate His blessings if you will just see them in a worldly perspective. Ask Him, and He will reveal to you greater things. He will give you the wisdom to do what is right. When your mindset aligns with Him, blessings will naturally flow in the physical realm.

Breakthrough starts in the heart and your mind. You will attract the things that you focus on. If you keep thinking about God’s goodness and great power, it will slowly become so real in your life. Just fix your eyes on His power, and your situation will change for the better. Purify your heart and fill it with His love. Embrace His presence every single day and be empowered by His grace. Work on your character and allow Him to mold you from the inside out. The process won’t be quick and easy, but it will be worth it. Soon, what God is doing on the inside will physically manifest in your life.

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