Breathe and Remind yourself that God is still giving you the Chance to Live
You are not an accident. God purposely allowed you to read this message so that you will be reminded that today is another chance to live. You are still breathing, and that means that you have a purpose here on earth. Get up and face this day with courage. Be confident and know that He will be there to help you. Remember that He is an intentional God, and that means He planned so many things for your life. Come to Him, and He will plant His desires in your heart. Let the air that fills your lungs remind you that you are meant to conquer this world with His love. You are a child of God. You are more than who you think you are.
Today is a precious gift from God. It’s something that only Him can give. You can never ask other people to give you the time you need. So treasure this moment and make the most of the resources that you have. Spend your time doing meaningful activities that will not only benefit yourself and others but also glorify God in the end. You are not meant to live this life on your own. Go outside and serve God’s people. And only then will you feel satisfaction from within. Your life will never be the same the moment you learn to give yourself away so that others will live.
Allow God to use your talents and skills. Offer Him your gifts and do things that will please His name. Treat your life as His vessel of love, and you will be able to treasure the blessings around you. Let God give you the confidence you need. Let His power push you to experience breakthroughs in life. Claim the victory in His presence, and you will enjoy every moment you have here on earth. Rejoice and know that God’s promises will all come to pass. Receive His love, and you will feel so fulfilled inside.
Don’t waste this chance. God knows that you can do it. You can live this life to the fullest. Take this day as an opportunity for you to become a better person. Not all people are given a chance to receive the blessings that they have. Be grateful and choose to praise God’s name. The fact that you are still breathing means that God is looking forward to that day when you will be able to live according to His great plans. You are here for a reason. Always keep that in your heart.

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Nathaniel Myles