
Build Your Confidence In The Lord And You Will Never Be Easily Shaken

Let God be your ultimate source of confidence. He alone can give you the kind of strength that will sustain you till the end. Know your true identity as His precious child and hold on to it. Because when life gets tough, you can always recall the things that God has been saying to you, and it will give you the courage to go on. The words of God are always true, and you can always trust in His promises.

If you are scared and feel so weak, always remember that you are always courageous in the eyes of God. Because He knows who you truly are. He is already familiar with the things that you can do, and He always cares for you. So if life seems so challenging for you, then you can always rely on God, and He will teach you what to do. Open your heart for His love and let Him remind you about your real identity.

Always remember that every blessing that you have right now comes from the Lord. That’s why you don’t have to worry about your future because if He was able to sustain you right now, then He could possibly do it again in the future—even greater things than what He did. God will exceed your expectations. And you will experience things that you’ve never been experienced before.

So chin up, and walk with faith. Be confident! The God who created this universe is supporting you, and He loves you so much. If you build up your confidence in Him, you will never be easily shaken by the things you will hear from other people. You would rather choose to listen to God’s voice than listen to the lies of the enemy. If God is the source of everything, you will learn to live this life without fear because His love will take away all your worries and cares.

God understands what you feel inside. So when He says that He will never leave you nor forsake you, then learn to put it in your heart wherever you go. If He says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, then learn to live in it. Because that’s who you truly are. You are who God says you are. So trust His words and let Him guide you along the way. Do your best, and don’t forget to glorify Him.

One Comment

  • Milind Nanajkar

    Hi, ya, iam found of getting knowledge about such topics, and to give other’s who really required,and if asked ,🙏, I suppose it will give me enough knowledge . Thanks 🙏