Self Development

Care To Know The Whole Story First Before Jumping To Conclusions

Most of the time, what we see on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s just part of a bigger picture. But sad to say, we tend to jump into different conclusions without even checking the whole story. We quickly judge the people around us and our situations then we tend to make assumptions that are far from reality. That’s why you need to be careful with the things that are going on in your mind. Because it might destroy you one day.

If you really care about the person and want to help them, do not just easily judge them based on what you see. Learn to get to know the whole story. Start by asking some questions instead of jumping to conclusions. Because only then will you realize that what you are thinking is very far from the real story. It’s deeper and complicated than what you think. So do not just settle on what’s happening around you. Take time to know the person even more, and you will learn important lessons from them.

Try to put on their shoes. If you are the one who is going through some struggles, would it be fair if the people around you will just judge you without even knowing your story? Of course, you would love them to know everything so that they will understand. But sometimes, we would rather stay quiet rather than explain ourselves to them because, at the end of the day, only those who truly love us will really care to know what’s really happening in our lives.

Do not do unto others the things that you don’t want to experience in your life. Just be understanding enough, that even though you don’t know what’s really happening, you still choose to trust and believe in someone’s goodness. Just stop judging the people around you and learn to live a life that is free from unrighteous judgments. After all, we are all humans, and we commit mistakes. We also have flaws inside that we wanted to hide and just anyone else, we also have different stories to tell.

Instead of jumping to conclusions that are not that reliable, try to ask God about the right thing to do. Learn to seek wisdom from Him and just allow Him to transform your mind. And only then will He let you see the bigger picture of life. You will learn to see things the way He sees it. And you will know what to do next.