Self Development
A person with a Generous Heart will never feel Empty Inside
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. -Proverbs 11:25 Jesus said in His word that it’s more blessed to give than to receive, so if you are one of those people who have a generous heart, then expect great things to come. Sharing God’s blessings may appear so simple and small for you, but God doesn’t look at the size of the things that you offer to others. Instead, He looks at your heart and your intentions. Know that you will never run dry in His presence. He will continue to bless those people who know how to share. You will prosper in His kingdom. Your…
When People Released Hurtful Words About you
They will curse, but You bless; When they arise, they will be ashamed, but Your servant will be glad. Psalms 109:28, NASB Words are powerful. Then can make or break your heart. If you don’t know how to deal with the hurtful words you receive from others, then it will slowly bring you down. Choose to listen to God and let Him teach you how to manage it. It says in His word that others may curse you, but what’s important is that God will bless you. So go after the good things that He prepared. Know that people can never destroy your soul unless you allow them. Look unto…
Seeking God’s wisdom
Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” Proverbs 8: 34-36, NIV If you want to live this life in victory, then you need God’s wisdom. Sometimes, you can’t instantly receive it from God, but you must seek it with all your heart. And only then will you receive the blessings that He prepared. You need wisdom not just to guide you in times of problems, but it should be part of your life.…
Too much Pride brings Disgrace
Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor. Proverbs 29:23, NIV Be humble, and God will honor you. Remember that we are all so tiny in the eyes of God. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the alpha and the omega. He owns time and eternity. If we will try to ponder our lives here on earth, it’s like a vapor that will easily fade. Who are we to contradict God’s will and disrespect His creation? Who are we to insist on our own plans and desires? God is the King of this world, and your pride is nothing compared…
You are a Living Message to Somebody’s Wounded Heart
The struggles that you experience will never be wasted. If you are able to victoriously overcome them, then it will serve as a living message to someone who is deeply wounded. That’s why, keep going and let God heal the wounds in your heart. Surrender to Him all your worries and pain. Do not carry all of them on your own. Acknowledge the truth that you need God in your life. And He will teach you to follow His principles. Seek His instruction by reading your bible, and only then will you receive the light that you’ve been looking for. Do not give up because you never know how your…
Following your pride means you treat yourself as better than God
It takes a humble heart for humans to accept that they are nothing without God. Sometimes, we tend to follow our own ways, thinking that what we have in mind is right, but the truth is, God knows what’s best for us. So we need to stop relying on our own understanding. Instead, we must come to Him and ask for guidance. But sadly, people fail to consult Him because of pride. They think that they are wise and smart enough to face the circumstances in their life. If you happen to see yourself as someone who merely depends on your own wisdom, then this is a wake-up call for…
Your deep roots will grow in the wilderness
God will never waste your wilderness season. You may feel in pain, lost and broken, but deep inside, your roots are growing, and they are getting stronger. Your surroundings may appear messy, but He is working in your life. He is strengthening your soul, and He is teaching you lessons that will take you to a higher level. Maybe you are asking God why you need to go through that season, but take heart because what He is doing is beyond what you can comprehend. Instead of looking for answers, trust God and let Him move in your life. When the time is right, you will see the fruits of…
Be Grateful for the Job that you have right now
Not all people are given a chance to work in this time of crisis. Some of them are still looking for opportunities, so if you happen to have a job that pays you well, then choose to be grateful and stop complaining. You may receive a lot of pressure and stress, but treat them as an opportunity for you to grow and learn new things. Remember that you are blessed because what you have right now are answers to somebody’s prayer. Thank God for all the blessings that you receive from Him. Stop focusing on the negative things. Pray that He will open the eyes of your heart so that…
You’ll never know what other People Truly Feel
Nobody really knows what you truly feel inside except God. And the same goes for the people around you, even if you think you know what they are going through, but you are not wearing their shoes. You never experienced the exact pain that they are trying to deal with because you didn’t see everything that’s going on in their lives. This is the reason why you shouldn’t judge other people. Instead of telling them to immediately get up and move on, try your best to listen to them first. Be patient because we also have different ways of dealing with our pain. Some can easily recover, but others need…
The Bitterness in your Heart will lead you to make Wrong Decisions
Your negative emotions can only help you if you know how to properly manage and process them. They can reveal hidden wounds in your heart that you need to face. But if you let them control you, you will surely make decisions that you will regret in the end. So before it’s too late, come to God and let Him purify your heart, especially the bitterness you feel towards other people. Let His grace remind you to forgive others. You may think that it’s not an easy thing to do, but if you will only focus on the love of God. You will surely have the courage to accept other…